RESTRICTED BURNING PERIOD: 29 February 2020 until 30 April 2020

Published on Tuesday, 3 March 2020 at 2:13:43 PM

The Restricted Burning Period commenced 29 February 2020 for the Shire of Katanning and will be in place until the 30 April 2020

All burning during this time, including burning of garden refuse requires a ‘Permit to Burn’ from your local Bushfire Control Officer.

All conditions highlighted on a Permit must be adhered to, if conditions are not met an infringement may be issued under the Bushfires Act.

Your Local Bushfire Control Officer contact details can be located on the Shire Website and in the Fire Requirement Management Notice that is distributed with your Rates or by contacting the Shire of Katanning Administration on 98219999.

For those residing within the Shire of Katanning townsite boundaries please contact the Shire for a Permit.


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