Local Planning Scheme
Local Governments are responsible for planning their local communities by ensuring appropriate planning controls exist for land use and development. This is done through a local planning strategy and scheme.
The 2012 Katanning SuperTown Growth and Implementation Plan and the 2013 Planning Strategy provide the framework and strategic direction for the Shire. This is supplemented by the Community Strategic Plan 2017-2027.
Local Planning Scheme No. (LPS5) is the new operative Scheme for the Shire of Katanning. LPS5 is the main planning instrument for the Shire and affects all properties. The Scheme zones areas for different land uses and sets out the way land is to be developed and used. LPS5 replaces the Planning Scheme No. 4. As well as standard updates and contemporary land-use categories, there are new Commercial and Industrial zones and increases to some Residential Density Codings. Many properties have greater development potential under the new Scheme. Proponents are encouraged to liaise with the Development Services team in this regard.
Zoning Map for LPS5
The scheme maps and texts linked to this site are working copies and used as an information management tool. Contact the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage or the Shire of Katanning to view the Minister's approved version of the Scheme maps and/or texts, along with any subsequent amendments.
The Deemed Provisions within Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 apply to all local planning schemes. LPS5 should be read in conjunction with the Regulations. A full copy of the regulations is available for download.
LPS5 - Final Approval
The Shire’s new Local Planning Scheme No. 5 (LPS5) was approved by the Minister in January and Gazetted on 9 February 2018.
Preparation of LPS5 has been an extensive process, involving updates in response to new legislation, contemporary environmental safeguards, conferral with agencies and community consultation.
The first draft was prepared in 2014 and referred to the EPA. Revisions were required to include mechanisms for ‘protection and enhancement’ of vegetation and environmental assets. The document was re-written and updated in August 2016 to accord with New Planning Regulations (prior to gaining approval to advertise).
In December 2016 there was a further Resolution of Council to adopt LPS5 for initiation and advertising. Formal advertising commenced on 19 May and closed on 19 August 2016; there were 13 submissions. The Council received and noted the submissions and endorsed the new Scheme, subject to 12 modifications [Refer Item 10.1.2, 27 September 2016 Resolution OC/16].
The documents were forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission for determination and the matter was considered by the WA Statutory Planning Committee in May 2017. In accordance with the Minster’s determination, 37 Modifications to the Scheme text and zoning maps were completed. The modified Documents were signed and sealed by the Shire in October 2017 and returned for the final approval of the Minister for Planning. The Minister signed off on LPS5 on 24 January 2018. Formal Notification was published in the Government Gazette on 9 February 2018.