Waste & Recycling

The Shire is responsible for the overall management of the refuse site, rubbish collection and recycling service. The kerbside bin collection is undertaken by a contractor. The Shire encourages residents and businesses to recycle wherever possible and a recycling service is also contracted out.

Waste & Recycling Calendar and Collection Areas

The town has been divided into three areas for kerbside rubbish bin and recycling bin collection. The area North of the railway and Clive Street is collected Mondays. South and West of the railway on Tuesdays and East of Clive Street and the railway on Wednesdays. Please print and keep the Rubbish Day Collection Map

General waste is collected weekly.

Recycling waste is collected fortnightly.

Bins must be placed on the verge prior to 6.00am on the day of collection. Bins put out late may be missed.

Download a copy of the 2023-24 Waste Collection Calendar HERE or go to the Shire of Katanning Administration and Civic Centre for a copy for your fridge. Contact the Shire on 9821 9999 for any queries.

Bin Collection Services and Replacements

Both general waste and recycling collection services are compulsory for all properties with residential housing that are within the collection areas.

Commercial properties without a waste collection service are charged a waste management fee as per fees & charges.

240L rubbish & recycle bins are issued by the Shire of Katanning inclusive of the annual service charges. If property is sold, all bins remain the property of the Shire of Katanning. Should multiple bins be lost or damaged from the same property, charges may apply.

Our aim is to deliver your bins within 5 to 10 working days from the date your request is received.

Find a copy of the Shire’s bin request form here or contact the Shire of Katanning Administration and Civic Centre for a hard copy. 

Please note: Only the property owner or property manager is authorised to submit bin requests. Charges may apply to the property rates or as a debtor depending on your request.

For any further information, please contact the Shire on 9821 9999.

Mobile Garbage Bins (MGB's) - Red or Green Topped Bins

Mobile Garbage Bins (MGB's) belong to the Shire and must be kept securely within the property when not out for collection. Damaged or stolen bins must be reported to the Shire. Please note that stolen bins will only be replaced free of charge subject to having been securely kept and subject to provision of a police report number or signed statutory declaration. If you wish to make a request for bin maintenance; a replacement bin or a change of bin collection service please fill out the Bin Request form linked here and return to the Shire Administration.

To avoid damage to bins and contractors equipment the following items MUST NOT be deposited in the MGB's:

  • Ashes

  • Oil

  • Liquid

  • Paint

  • Solvent

  • Bricks, concrete, earth or other substances

  • Asbestos or asbestos products
  • Hazardous products

  • Material likely to become offensive or a nuisance or to give off an offensive noxious odour unless it is first wrapped in absorbent or impervious material

  • Ammunition

  • Flares

  • Any heavy material or metal items that may damage the Contractor's or Council's equipment

  • Any object which is greater in length, width or breadth than the corresponding dimensions of the MGB or which will not allow the lid of the MGB to be closed

Collection vehicles have a maximum lift capacity of 70kg. MGB’s over 70kg will not be collected.

Recycling - Yellow Topped Bins

All residential properties within the Katanning townsite have been issued a 240 litre recycling bin (Yellow Lid).  Recycle Bins are collected fortnightly and must be placed out on the kerb by 6.00am on the same day as your rubbish collection. If you wish to make a request for bin maintenance; a replacement bin or a change of bin collection service please fill out the Bin Request form linked here and return to the Shire Administration.

Please note that if you put non-recyclable items in your recycling bin you may contaminate the whole load. The contractor may refuse to collect it and you will be required to transport it to the landfill instead.

Items that can be recycled include the following:

  • Plastic cool drink bottles & all clear plastic containers marked with recycle logo No. 1.

  • All 'Cloudy' milk bottles and plastic containers marked with recycle logo No. 2.

  • Liquid paper – gable top milk and juice containers (no silver-lined cartons)

  • All glass containers (rinsed, no lids, no ceramic or heat resistant glass)

  • Newspaper – shiny, glossy magazines, junk mail, envelopes and telephone books

  • High grade paper – white photo copy, computer and fax paper

  • Steel cans (rinsed) including aerosol cans

  • Aluminium cans, including aluminium foil

  • Cardboard


Green Waste Verge Collection

Do not obstruct the footpath or your normal bin services and ensure waste does not obstruct line of sight of pedestrians or cars. Residents are reminded that this is a Green Waste collection only. Contaminated garden waste will not be removed.

Lawn clippings, cuttings and leaves must be in boxes or bags. To prevent damage, do not obstruct Telstra pits, water meters or power domes with green waste as mechanical equipment may be used. Please trim tree branches and pruning’s to a max of 1.5m (5ft) and place bundles in line with kerb.

Katanning Refuse Site

Usual Opening Hours:

Wednesday to Sunday 11.00am to 1:00pm - 1:30pm to 5.00pm

Monday, Tuesday and All Public Holidays - Closed

Please note that the site is now EFTPOS ONLY - NO CASH

Contact details:

Katanning/Nyabing Road

Mobile: 0447 448 227


Asbestos Receivals - Please call the Katanning Refuse Site operator prior to delivering asbestos to the Refuse Site. This is to ensure the operator can commence digging prior to your arrival as asbestos is to be buried immediately upon receipt. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.  

Shire of Katanning Refuse Site Update

The new waste and recycling Drop-Off Facility at the Shire of Katanning refuse site commenced operating from 6 May 2020. In accordance with the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007, all waste and recycled materials are required to be sorted into the following categories before being brought onto site.

  • Household Waste
  • Household Recycling
  • White Goods
  • Scrap Metal
  • Wire
  • Green Waste
  • Builders Rubble
  • Electronic Waste
  • DrumMuster
  • Batteries
  • Waste Oil

Members of the public are no longer be permitted to go beyond the Drop – Off Facility and all household waste and household recycling will need to be disposed of into designated bins located on site.  Ute and trailer loads of uncontained household waste are no longer be permitted on site. Household waste needs to be contained and disposed of into designated bins.

Where to Recycle in Katanning



Small Change Wholefoods Katanning
123 Clive Street, Katanning

Batteries, Lightbulbs, Coffee Pods, Toothbrushes, Pill Packets, Pill & Makeup Containers, Bread Tags, Razor Blades

Charity/Op Shops:

  • Uniting Church drop off bin – Arbour Street
  • St Patricks Primary School (St Vinnies Bins in car park) – 37 Amherst Street
  • That Pink Lady – 125 Clive Street
  • Paper n Lace – Austral Terrace
  • Arch Angel Op Shop – Richardson Street
  • Boomerang Op Shop – 23 Daping Street
  • KROS Katanning Op Shop – 70 Clive Street

Books, Clothing, Furniture, Shoes, Bric-A-Brac and any useful household items in good working order

Containers for Change Katanning
Lot 523 Dore Street, Katanning. Open Fri & Sat

Drink Bottles labelled with 10c refund 

Katanning Refuse Site

Electronic Waste

Whole Car Bodies - Contact Refuse Site beforehand

Mobile Phone Industry Recycling Program
1800 249 113 or visit www.mobilemuster.com.au Australia Post Katanning also has a Mobile Muster collection bin.

Mobile Phones
Shire of Katanning Administration
52 Austral Terrace, Katanning

Needles - must be in a sealed sharps container

Cartridges 4 Planet Ark 1800 242 473

Printer Cartridges

Katanning Pharmacy
92 Clive St, Katanning

Great Southern Community Chemist
1/132 Clive St, Katanning

Old Medicines - disposed through RUM Project


GAS BOTTLES - For LPG refills and disposals, return to your bottle supplier.

MEDICAL WASTE - Medical or Biohazardous Waste should never be put in your green or yellow topped bin. Please check with your health care provider as to the correct method for disposal.