Mosquito Control
The control of mosquitoes within the Katanning townsite is a continuing process in the warmer months. Although main waterways are regularly checked and dosed with an environmentally safe larvicide, it is not possible for the Shire to eliminate all mosquitoes from all breeding habitats. It is therefore important for everyone to take personal measures to prevent the breeding of nuisance mosquitoes and to reduce the risk of contracting disease.
It is easy to eliminate breeding areas on your own property. Anything that holds water will become a breeding area. Old tyres, pot plant drip trays, rainwater tanks, birdbaths, ornamental ponds and guttering should be regularly checked and cleared if not free draining.
Learn more about Mosquito Management from the Department of Health HERE.
For more queries on how to control mosquitoes in your own back yard please contact the Shire Environmental Health Officer at or call 9821 9999.
Fight the Bite
Protect yourself against disease carrying mosquitoes. Go to the Fight the Bite website for more information.

Mosquito Season is Upon Us - December 2022
With the impending warmer weather, residents are warned about the likely increase in mosquito numbers throughout the Shire of Katanning. Many of the species of mosquitoes in Western Australia transmit disease-causing viruses or parasites.
Two of the most common mosquito-borne viruses in WA are Ross River Virus (RRV) and Barmah Forest Virus (BFV). The great Southern Region is yet to record a case of either disease, probably due to the cooler start to the season. “The potential for disease is very real as the weather warms and mosquitoes emerge, especially with ideal conditions with a lot of standing water around”, said Shire CEO, Julian Murphy.
Disease symptoms can vary between people and include painful and/or swollen joints, sore muscles, aching tendons, skin rashes, fever, tiredness, headaches and swollen lymph nodes. There’s no vaccine for either RRV or BFV.
The Shire has recently joined a mosquito control group in cooperation with the Shire’s of Broomehill Tambellup and Gnowangerup to better prepare local communities for the potential disease risks associated with mosquitoes. Some environmental health activities were already part of the Shire’s preventative role, with the new program to include routine monitoring, trapping and treatment on public lands, and rising awareness or the importance of preventing breeding.
The Shire is promoting the Department of Health “Fight the Bite” program which offers simple advice for Katanning residents and visitors to reduce breeding and prevent exposure to mosquito bites and potential diseases.
To prevent mosquitoes breeding the Shire is encouraging residents to:
- Get rid of containers which hold stagnant water, including gutters;
- Keep mosquito-eating fish, like goldfish in garden ponds and eliminate vegetation around the edges of the pond;
- Keep swimming pools well chlorinated, filtered and free of dead leaves;
- Fill or drain depressions in the ground that hold water;
- Ensure the vent pipes on plumbing lines are fitted with mosquito proof cowls. If you have septic tanks, seal all gaps in the lid and ensure leach drains are completely covered;
- Fit rainwater tanks with insect-proof mesh, including inlet, overflow and inspection ports;
- Empty pot plant drip trays once a week or fill them with sand; and
- Empty and clean animal and pet drinking water weekly.
If you are experiencing problems with mosquitoes, report the issue to the Shire for further investigation, however you are encouraged to use the information available to ensure there are no breeding sites on their property in the first instance. Head to the Fight the Bite website to learn more on how to protect yourself and your family: