Elected Member Training

The introduction of new provisions contained within the Local Government Legislation Amendment Act 2019, local governments must prepare a report for each financial year on the training completed by elected members in that financial year.

Pursuant to Section 5.127 of the Local Government Act 1995:

  1. A local government must prepare a report for each financial year on the training completed by council members in the financial year.
  2. The CEO must publish the report on the local government’s official website within 1 month of after the end of the financial year to which the report relates. 

The Annual Report of Training conducted by Elected Members of the Shire of Katanning is available to download below:

Annual Report of Elected Member Training for year ending 30 June 2023

Training Register
Councillor Name Course Completion Date Location Provider Cost
Cr Ian Hanna Serving On Council 05/05/2024 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Ian Hanna Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets 27/01/2024 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Ian Hanna Meeting Procedures 02/12/2023 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Ian Hanna Conflicts of Interest 25/11/2023 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Ian Hanna Understanding Local Government 25/11/2023 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Kristy D'Aprile CEO Recruitment 26/06/2023 Shire of Katanning WALGA $0.00
Cr Michelle Salter CEO Recruitment 26/06/2023 Shire of Katanning WALGA $0.00
Cr Matt Collis CEO Recruitment 26/06/2023 Shire of Katanning WALGA $0.00
Cr Liz Guidera CEO Recruitment 26/06/2023 Shire of Katanning WALGA $0.00
Cr John Goohdeart CEO Recruitment 26/06/2023 Shire of Katanning WALGA $0.00
Cr Kristy D'Aprile Serving On Council 26/10/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Kristy D'Aprile Meeting Procedures 25/10/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Kristy D'Aprile Conflict of Interest 24/10/2022 Online wa $0.00
Cr Kristy D'Aprile Understanding Local Government 24/10/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Matt Collis Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets 04/09/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Michelle Salter Meeting Procedures 19/07/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Michelle Salter Serving on Council 15/07/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Michelle Salter Conflicts of Interest 15/07/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Kristy D'Aprile Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets 12/07/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Michelle Salter Understanding Local Government 15/06/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Michelle Salter Understanding Financial Reports and Budgets 15/06/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Matt Collis Meeting Procedures 09/06/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Matt Collis Serving On Council 09/06/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Matt Collis Understanding Local Government 08/06/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Matt Collis Conflict of Interest 07/06/2022 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Liz Guidera Manage Policy Development 14/05/2021 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Liz Guidera Integrated Strategic Planning Policy Mentoring Program 14/05/2021 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr John Goodheart Infrastructure Asset Management 13/05/2021 Lake Grace WALGA $0.00
Cr Liz Guidera Integrated Strategic Planning Essential Mentoring Program 10/05/2021 Online WALGA $0.00
Cr Liz Guidera Develop and Implement Strategic Plans 10/05/2021 Online WALGA $0.00
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