
Being a property owner in the Shire of Katanning requires the payment of rates each year. Your rates provide Council with the revenue needed to manage the services and facilities, which make the Shire a vibrant and attractive place to live.
With each financial year, a new budget is prepared to support the changing needs of the community. The budget for 2024/25 was adopted at the Shire Council Meeting held on the 26 June 2024, with the Rates Notices being issued via post on 16 July 2024.
2024 - 2025 Rating Information
Total rates raised has increased by an average of 4.5% for Unimproved Valuation (UV) properties and 4.5% Gross Rental Valuation (GRV).
Gross Rental Valuation: $0.1002
Unimproved Valuation: $0.006120
Minimum Rate: $1,200.00
Ratepayers have the option of paying rates and charges by way of:
- Payment in full by the due date - 21 August 2024
- Payment by instalment
- Through a direct debit payment arrangement (applications available at the Shire Office)
Rates Incentive Prize
The Shire of Katanning are offering a rates incentive prize for ratepayers who pay their 2024/25 rates in full prior to 4pm, on the 21 August 2024.
Payment in full includes all property rates, waste charges, Emergency Services Levy, Soil Conservation Levy, and all outstanding penalty interest. For eligible pensioners and seniors, this amount is net of the entitled rebate.
Those who pay meet the above criteria, will automatically be registered in the draw to win one of five vouchers from the Katanning Regional Business Association (KRBA), for the value of $1,000.
Payment Options
In Person
Rates can be paid at the Shire Office, located at 52 Austral Terrace, during our opening hours of 8.30am – 4.30pm (Monday – Friday).
Please ensure you bring your Rates Notice with you when making payment.
Over the Phone
Over the phone using a valid credit card by calling the Shire Office on 9821 9999.
Via Post
Rates can be paid via Cheques and Money Orders sent in the post, made payable to the Shire of Katanning. Please ensure that you include the bottom of your Rates Notice.
Click here to pay online or pay via internet bank transfer:
- BSB: 066-515
Account Number: 0000 0015
Reference: (Your assessment number and surname)
For BPOINT and BPAY payments, please refer to your biller code and customer reference number, located at the bottom of your rates notice.
Instalment Options
If you wish to pay your rates by instalments, please ensure you select your preferred option before 21 August 2024 by clearly marking your rate notice as provided.
Payment for all arrears and first instalment option must be received by 21 August 2024.
If you wish to select either the two-instalment or four-instalment options, you will incur a fee of $10.00 per instalment and attract interest of 5.5% on the balances remaining after 21 August 2024.
When paying instalments, cheques and money orders should be made out for the exact amount of the instalment and should be paid by the due date to avoid penalty interest.
The right to pay by instalments is forfeited if your first payment is not received by the due date.
NOTE: Payment of the first instalment shall include all arrears outstanding from previous years.
Option 1: Payment in Full by a Single Instalment
The total balance of rates and charges shown on your rates notice, is paid in full on or before 21 August 2024.
If you select this option, you will automatically be registered in the draw to win 1 of 5, vouchers for the value of $1,000.00.
Option 2: Payment by Two Equal Instalments
1st Instalment – Due 21 August 2024
2nd Instalment - Due 06 January 2025
Option 3: Payment by Four Equal Instalments
1st Instalment – Due 21 August 2024
2nd Instalment – Due 21 October 2024
3rd Instalment – Due 06 January 2025
4th Instalment – Due 06 March 2025
Pensioner & Seniors Concessions
CLICK HERE to Download the Pensioner and Rates Rebate Information Brochure
The WA State Government only provides rebates to pensioners and seniors who own and occupy residential property on 1 July 2024 of the rating year. From 1 July 2024, rebates will be capped at a level determined by the WA State Government. Commercial properties and farms over 2 hectares do not generally qualify for concessions.
To qualify for a rebate, you must own and occupy your house as at 1 July each year and be in receipt of a current:
- Pensioner Concession Card issued by Centrelink/Veterans Affairs; OR
- Seniors Card issued by the Office of Seniors Affairs AND a Commonwealth Seniors Heath Card; OR
- Senior Card only; OR
- State Concession Card
If you hold a current Pensioner Concession Card (1) OR hold both a Seniors Card and a Commonwealth Seniors Card (2), you may be entitled to a rebate of up to 50% on your current Rates and ESL, and Specified Area Rate (if applicable).
If you hold a Seniors Card only (3) you may be entitled to a rebate of 25% on your current Rates and ESL, and Specified Area Rate (if applicable) capped to an annual maximum amount each year by the State Government.
Should you meet the eligibility criteria listed above and have not previously registered, you can register by visiting the Water Corporation. Your rebate is calculated from the date that you register with the Water Corporation.
A pro-rata rebate or a deferment may be allowable for those who become a pensioner or senior during the rating year. i.e. after 1 July. If you were the owner/occupier as at 1 July and become a pensioner or senior during the year you must register immediately.
If your circumstances change, particularly with respect to ownership of your property, if you no longer occupy your property or your eligibility as a pensioner or senior changes, you MUST notify this office immediately, fail to do so will result in the rebate being reversed and added to the balance of the property to be paid.
Please note: Rebates or deferments apply to rates, specified area rates (if applicable) and emergency services levy ONLY. All other charges must be paid in full by the due date shown on your rate notice.
Waste Services
Domestic - Annual waste service (1 x Waste and 1 x Recycling Bin)
Domestic – Additional 240 litre bin service
Commercial - Annual waste service (1 x Waste and 1 x Recycling Bin)
Commercial – Additional 240 litre bin service
Waste Collection Rate
The Shire of Katanning charges a Waste Collection Rate on all rateable properties for the purposes of providing for the waste services available in the Shire. This includes the provision of a local refuse site and street sweeping.
Minimum Rate $37.50
Levies collected for other Agencies
Soil Conservation Levy
The Soil Conservation Levy of $35.00 has been raised on each rateable property for the purpose of funding
- The Katanning Land Conservation District Committee Landcare Officer, resource centre.
- Ongoing project development for on ground works for salinity management.
If you have queries regarding this levy please contact Katanning Landcare on 9821 4327 who will be able to assist.
Emergency Services Levy
Category 5 $103.00 fixed charge per rate notice
Category 4 $0.005094 cents in the dollar with a minimum of $103.00
Emergency Services Levy Information
Change of Ownership or Address
To ensure prompt receipt of your rate notice, please Contact Us by completing and signing the form below to notify us of any change to the ownership of properties or changes of postal address. There is a requirement under the Local Government Act that the vendor or agent shall, within 21 days after the sale of a property, give to the Shire written notice of the sale with a description of the land and name and address of the purchaser.
Updating Your Details Form
Overdue Rates
RATES PENALTY FOR LATE PAYMENT (SECTION 6.51 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1995) (Eligible pensioners and seniors are exempt)
- No instalment option taken - Interest shall begin to accrue on all rates and charges that remain unpaid 35 days after the original date of issue.
- Instalment option taken - Interest shall begin to accrue on any instalment payment that remains unpaid after the due date of the instalment, until such time as the instalment is paid.
- Accounts in arrears - Interest shall begin to accrue as of 1 July on all rates and charges including previous interest charges, that remain in arrears.
On the day any rate payment becomes overdue, a 7% per annum penalty is applied on a daily basis and will continue to accrue until arrears are paid. 2024 - 2025 rates become overdue 35 days from the issue date. Penalty interest will be charged from 22 August 2024. Penalty interest is also charged for late payments on instalment options.
Ratepayers experiencing difficulty in paying rates and charges are encouraged to Contact Us before rates are due to discuss alternate arrangements. A $48.00 administration fee and penalty interest applies to special payment arrangements.
Recovery of Rates
Where no election has been made to enter into an instalment option or alternative arrangements made, and where rates and service charges remain outstanding 35 days after the original date of issue, legal action may be taken for their recovery.
If Payment of Rates falls into arrears for a period of three years or more the Council may:
- from time to time lease the land;
- sell the land;
- cause the land to be transferred to the Crown;
- cause the land to be transferred to itself.
- All costs associated with the legal action are recoverable from the ratepayer and will be added to your account.
Objections (if any) in relations to the valuation of your property must be lodged with Landgate's valuation service, PO BOX 2222 Midland WA 6936.
Objections to the valuation must be made in writing and lodged at Landgate within 60 days after the date of your assessment notice.