2024 Australia Day Awards - Nominations Open

Published on Monday, 7 August 2023 at 8:55:04 PM

Citizen of the Year Award

This award recognises and acknowledges outstanding individuals and organisations that have made significant contributions to their local communities during the past year; or over a sustained period. 

There are four award categories:

  1. Community Citizen of the Year (for individuals over 16 years of age)
  2. Young Community Citizen of the Year (for individuals aged 16-30 years)
  3. Senior Community Citizen of the Year (for individuals ages 65 year or over)
  4. Active Citizenship Award (for community groups or events)

Award ceremony and announcements will be made on Australia Day.  

Nomination forms are available for the above and the Shire of Katanning's Community Long Service Award here

Nominations close 31 October 2023.

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