Ranger Services

The Shire of Katanning employs one full-time Ranger and the officer patrols all areas within the townsite and Shire on a regular basis. It is in these areas the Ranger may find that some people in the general community may be a little careless when it comes to their dogs, litter control, parking or off-road vehicles.

One of our Ranger Services primary roles is to educate and foster a more caring and responsible commitment by members of the general community, in particular those persons whose chose activities fall within the duties and responsibilities of the Ranger to monitor and control.;

To achieve the objective, there are a few basic rules the Shire would like to point out:

Litter Control
Litter is any material that you do not require, such as drink cans or bottles, papers, tree branches, cigarette butts, apple cores and much more.
We ask all of you to place litter in the bin. If you are going to the tip, tie your load down, better still, cover your load first, and if any material falls off, stop and pick it up. 

Basic Rules:

  • All litter should be disposed of hygienically.
  • Take all necessary precautions.
  • Remember- this is your town. Keep it clean. 
  • Dispose of litter responsibly.

Off Road Vehicles
We still have a small problem with drivers and riders in the prohibited areas within our townsite. If you are not sure where you can go, contact the Rangers for a map. We have set aside areas for off-road vehicles. 

Dog Control
The law provides that all dogs in the Shire of Katanning over the age of three (3) months must be registered with the Shire in the name of a person over the age of 18. 
Call the Ranger for information about the exact location of dog exercise areas. 

Please check the signs for the length of time and purpose for which you may use the space, including other restrictions such as acrod, no parking areas and no stopping.  Remember, the disabled bays are reserved for those who hold a current ACROD permit ONLY. Don't be surprised if you receive an infringement notice for parking in these bays if you do not hold an ACROD permit. Also, think about the worker who has to unload or load their commercial vehicle. Leave the loading bays vacant for them.

Infringement Notices
Should you receive an infringement notice for litter, parking, dog or off-road vehicles, it can be paid by post (PO Box 130, Katanning WA 6317) or at the Shire of Katanning Administration Building at 52 Austral Terrace, Katanning during normal office hours. 

The Shire of Katanning Ranger Services will visit schools to address children on the need for litter control and the dangers litter poses to the environment, the aspects of off-road vehicles and how to look after their pets. If your school or family would like more information, please call the Ranger Service. 

Help Us Help You
Your observance of the basic rules will assist the Ranger Service in maintaining a nuisance free environment for the enjoyment of all residents and visitors to the Shire of Katanning. 

Contact Information
For more information regarding Ranger Services contact the Shire of Katanning Ranger Services Department on (08) 9821  9999.

After Hours Ranger Contact
If you wish to contact the Ranger between 5:00PM to 8:00AM, please contact the Shire of Katanning's After Hours Service on 9821  9999. Calls to the Ranger's mobile during these times are unable to be answered.