Bushfire Property Compliance

Published on Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 11:35:26 AM

The bushfire season is nearly upon us and its time to get your properties prepared. All properties (including the townsite) are required to comply by Sunday 1 November 2020 until Thursday 1 April 2021.

Property inspections start on 1 November 2020 and those that do not comply may receive an infringement and the Shire of Katanning, under Section 33 Bushfire Act, will engage contractors to complete the works so properties comply to reduce the fire risk.

The standards of compliance for your property can be located in the Shire of Katanning’s Fire Management Requirements Notice 2020 -2021.

If you are engaging a local contractor to complete the works it would pay to contact them now so they can schedule your work, as they will get extremely busy closer to the compliance due date. If you have any questions please contact the Shire of Katanning on 9821 9999.

All properties within the Special Rural Areas which include the McLeod St and Pinwernying areas require fire breaks and grass to be less that 150mm as per the Fire Management Requirements Notice.


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